A real estate broker for buyers! While the role of a real estate broker representing the sellers of a property is better known, the role of a broker involved in a transaction as a representative of the buyers is less well understood. Since the latest legislative changes were put in place to prevent brokers from finding themselves in conflicts of in...
593 Hits
593 Hits
The law of supply and demand... Sound familiar? The law of supply and demand is the basic principle underpinning a market economy. This principle reflects the relationship between the demand for a product and the quantity offered. The rarer and more sought-after a product, the higher its price. In the real estate market, the more properties th...
650 Hits
650 Hits
The market is shifting to the buyers' side; property values are going to drop; the economy will soon be in recession; in a few months there will be opportunities to seize... Are those statements urban legends or realistic? What is the impact of interest rates on buyers' intentions? What can sellers expect? Will we have to negotiate?&...
887 Hits
887 Hits
J'ai lancé en janvier 2021, la promotion '' Aidons ensemble notre communauté '' qui a permis, depuis janvier 2022, de remettre plus de 16 000 $, partagés entre la Paroisse St-Raphaël de l'Île Bizard, le Centre des Femmes de la MRC du granit, la Fondation Un Toit pour Tous de Royal LePage, l'organisme Soutien Autisme...
1948 Hits
1948 Hits
Vous aimeriez vendre et vous savez que vous pourriez obtenir un excellent prix pour votre propriété… - Vous avez raison ! Un voisin veux vous offrir un prix qui vous semble juste… Un courtier vous raconte qu'il a des clients qui cherchent une maison comme la vôtre et est prêt à vous apporter une excellente offre… Quelqu'un...
2080 Hits
2080 Hits
J'ai lancé en janvier 2021, la promotion ''Aidons ensemble notre communauté'' qui a permis, à ce jour, de remettre un total de 3 900 $, partagés entre Partage-Action de l'Ouest-de-L`île, Suicide-Action Montréal, Mission de l'Ouest-de-L'île ainsi que la Paroisse Saint-Raphaël Archange de l'Île Bizard. Plus de 3 300 $ supplémentai...
2325 Hits
2325 Hits
You want to sell your property... nothing is easier these days! Doing it well and at the best possible price... that's another story! But first, why do you want to sell? What are your plans? What will you do next? Don't let yourself be blinded by the lure of an easy profit, it could be a miscalculation! Buying a property that you like a...
1427 Hits
1427 Hits
Early last year, even before the pandemic started, the real estate market was leaning towards buyers in many areas, including our own, the West Island of Montréal... There were already far fewer properties for sale than active buyers... In March, the pandemic and its restrictions set in, causing a wave of uncertainty, and many owners who wer...
1591 Hits
1591 Hits
Regardless of the situation, be it favorable or not, there are times in life when you have to take action... Whether it be to gain more comfort and space. Be it to leave a home now too big to live in an apartment with less maintenance and hassle. Whether it is for being closer to a new workplace or making room for new family members. Be it th...
1607 Hits
1607 Hits
Entrust me with the sale of your property and I will donate 10% of my commission to a local charitable organization of your choice! This pandemic will leave marks… and scars in the life of many fellow citizens. Physical and mental health problems, family issues, income losses or even worse, job losses, corporate bankruptcies, and more… Many ...
1644 Hits
1644 Hits
A real estate property is a financial asset as well as a major investment. But that house or apartment where you live often means much more The broker evaluating your property will use comparables, statistics, various reports… but he will also need to understand that, for you, that home also represents something else… Memories are associated ...
1521 Hits
1521 Hits
Some would say that the stars are aligned… Let's say that, at this time, everything fits to enable sellers to gather the winning conditions… Low mortgage interest rates, very few properties on the market, buyers ready to take action… we are undoubtedly in a sellers' market. Before the general lockdown of last March, the real estate market was alrea...
1521 Hits
1521 Hits
This pandemic has changed our lives and forced us to revisit our habits and priorities. And some of the changes that we are experiencing will likely continue. Now that employers and employees have discovered the virtues of teleworking, it's quite likely that many will make it a more regular practice in the future. Consequently, it will not be so im...
1712 Hits
1712 Hits
Your mind was made up: you wanted to sell and/or buy in 2020… It had been well thought out, and you were looking forward to moving into a warm and comfortable environment for you and your loved ones… And then came late March and the lockdown… You had sufficient time to ponder everything and give some serious thought to the situation. Of cours...
1908 Hits
1908 Hits
Time is money! If there is anything that many of us have plenty of in this special period, it's certainly time. Why not use this time to add value to your property? When you will decide to put it for sale it will be more attractive, and you will find a buyer faster and sell at a better price. Tidying up, decluttering, painting, decorating… All this...
1924 Hits
1924 Hits
Some people agree that the real estate market will bounce back strongly once the "norma" brokerage operations will resume. Be prepared to reap the benefits! Selling or purchasing a property is a major decision that requires careful consideration. Why not take advantage of the present situation to initiate steps and reflect in order to make th...
3682 Hits
3682 Hits
The present situation is certainly unpleasant. But we will become victorious one day… When? Nobody can predict! Everyone agrees that our future life will likely be different. For the time being, health is our top priority. In the next weeks or months, we will have to deal with the consequences of the present crisis and adapt. Lif...
2131 Hits
2131 Hits
Here is what I can do for you! A documented assessment of your property… to know its market value. Some advice in order to maximise the value of your house or condo… Photos taken by professionals… to get the optimal appeal. The listing of your property on centris.ca, realtor.ca, publimaison.ca, royallepage.ca, marcforget.ca., and an active pr...
1864 Hits
1864 Hits
The law of supply and demand! The economy runs smoothly, the unemployment rate is low, the interest rates are relatively modest… the buyers are many and… the properties for sale are few. Sellers can afford to impose their conditions and buyers have no choice but to abide by them if they want to purchase a property. It's whatwe calla sellers' market...
1919 Hits
1919 Hits
The power of seduction Looking to buy a property is dreaming… Dreaming of comfort, happiness, luxury… Dreaming of a home to be proud of and where to feel comfortable, entertain with family and friends and raise kids… You want to sell your property? Offer that dream! Naturally, to buy a house or a condo is to choose a neigh...
1864 Hits
1864 Hits