By Marc Forget on Tuesday, 28 January 2020
Category: Real Estate

A sellers’ market…

The law of supply and demand!

The economy runs smoothly, the unemployment rate is low, the interest rates are relatively modest… the buyers are many and… the properties for sale are few. Sellers can afford to impose their conditions and buyers have no choice but to abide by them if they want to purchase a property. It's whatwe calla sellers' market.

Home prices are high and selling times, short. Buyers must be ready and make key decisions rapidly if they are coveting a given property. Their offer must be the most attractive and include only the usual conditions, otherwise the seller will choose to deal with another buyer.

Your mortgage history must be up to date before you sign a promise to purchase: the offer will be more appealing if it's accompanied by a mortgage pre-approval.You will have to find a qualified and available building inspector and meet the deadlines stated in the offer.

Multiple offers, tight deadlines, location certificates, conditional promise to purchase, home inspection…How can you sort the pieces and navigate through all this?You need to rely on an experienced and competent real estate broker.

I am waiting for your call!